Sunday, July 10, 2011

SD Firefighter Physical Fitness Test Criticized

From the AP, via
Sioux Falls firefighters are required to pass a physical fitness test that mimics on-the-job duties, but a former labor representative maintains that the test has caused injuries and discriminates against women and older workers.

Administrators with the city department say the test protects the public, incorporates national trends and is a fair way to measure whether a firefighter is fit for the job. The test, which firefighters must pass to keep their jobs, has been modified some and will continue to be tweaked, if needed, they say.

"These tasks are not any more difficult than what a firefighter has to do normally," said recently retired fire Chief Donn Hill, who negotiated the testing into the firefighters' last contract. "If someone can't pass this test, they were basically not doing the job before and were relying on other members of their crew to do the job for them."

It's an issue that divides the opinions of former and current union leadership, compares Sioux Falls firefighter requirements with those in other communities and questions what type of testing is best for both firefighters and community safety.

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